Ministry of Commerce and Private Sector from Myanmar Visit Toyota Tsusho Group Company


TTTC has attended Mr. Thein Tun Oo, Director General, the Director of Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce from Myanmar and the private business entrepreneur delegates from Myanmar to visit Thailand during November 30 - December 1, 2017.

TTC – Japan has invited the delegates from Myanmar to visit Thailand to strengthen close relationship between Toyota Tsusho Group and the Ministry of Commerce for new business expansion and future investment in Myanmar. The president of TTTC, Mr. Kiyoyoshi Oba has provided a welcome speech to the delegates. Then, we took them to visit for deeper understanding of our operation 6 companies. Green Metals (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (GMTH) / Toyota Transport (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (TTT) / Borneo Technical (Thailand) Ltd. (BTL) / TTK Logistics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (TTKL) / TT Assembly (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (TTAT) and Processing Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (THAPT)

The delegates have fully obtained a great experience & knowledge after plant tour and we trust that it will generate a strong connection between Toyota Tsusho and government & private sector of Myanmar.

Atmosphere of Factory visit at Toyota Tsusho Group Company